Saturday 30 May 2015

6 Life Hacks/Tricks to Simplify Your Life . ( sai saikumar jn)

                                         6 Life Hacks/Tricks to Simplify Your Life .

1. Friendly reminder that Father’s Day is on June 15th.

2. Most problems in your life can be attributed to two things: acting without thinking, and thinking without acting.

3. The best way to win an argument is to continue asking questions. This will force the other person to see the holes in their argument.

4. Learning from your mistakes is wise, learning from the mistakes of others is quicker and easier.

5. If youre ordering coffee, ask for a medium in a large cup. Most of the time they will over fill it and you just got more coffee for cheap.

6. If you rely on others to make you happy, you will never be happy. Happiness is something only you are responsible for.

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                                                                                                    -- Bellapuri saikumar
                                                                                                                      ( sai saikumar jn)             

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