Saturday 16 January 2016

Magnetic Circuit - electrical MCQ and answers

Magnetic Circuit - electrical MCQ and answers

1. An air gap is usually inserted in magnetic circuits to
(a)     increase m.m.f.
(b)     increase the flux
(c) prevent saturation
(d) none of the above
Ans: c

2. The relative permeability of a ferromagnetic material is
(a)     less than one    
(b)     more than one
(c) more than 10
(d) more than 100 or 1000
Ans: d

3. The unit of magnetic flux is
(a)     henry
(b)     weber
(c) ampereturn/weber
(d) ampere/metre
Ans: b

4. Permeability in a magnetic circuit corresponds to______ in an electric circuit.
(a) resistance
(b) resistivity
(c) conductivity    
(d) conductance
Ans: c

5. Point out the wrong statement.
Magnetic leakage is undesirable in electric machines because it
(a) lowers their power efficiency
(b) increases their cost of manufacture
(c) leads to their increased weight
(d) produces fringing
Ans: a

6. Relative permeability of vacuum is
(a) 1
(b) 1 H/m
(c) 1/4JI
(d) 4n x 10-' H/m
Ans: a

7. Permanent magnets are normally made of
(a) alnico alloys    
(b) aluminium
(c) cast iron
(d) wrought iron
Ans: a

8. Energy stored by a coil is doubled when its current is increased by percent.
(a) 25
(b) 50
(d) 100
Ans: c

9. Those magnetic materials are best suited for making armature and transformer cores which have____permeability and_______hystersis loss.
(a) high, high
(b) low, high
(c) high, low
(d) low, low
Ans: c

10. The rate of rise of current through an inductive coil is maximum
(a)     at 63.2% of its maximum steady value
(b)     at the start of the current flow
(c) after one time constant
(d) near the final maximum value of current
Ans: b

11. When both the inductance and resistance of a coil are doubled the value of
(a) time constant remains unchanged
(b) initial  rate  of rise  of current is doubled
(c) final steady current is doubled
(d) time constant is halved
Ans: a

12. The initial rate of rise of current through a coil of inductance 10 H when suddenly connected to a D.C. supply of 200 V is_______Vs
(a) 50
(b) 20
(c) 0.05
(d) 500
Ans: b

13. A material for good magnetic memory should have
(a) low hysteresis loss
(b) high permeability
(c) low retentivity
(d) high retentivity
Ans: d

14. Conductivity is analogous to
(a) retentivity
(b) resistivity
(c) permeability    
(d) inductance
Ans: c

15. In a magnetic material hysteresis loss takes place primarily due to
(a) rapid reversals of its magnetisation
(b) flux density lagging behind magnetising force
(c) molecular friction
(d) it high retentivity
Ans: d

16. Those materials are well suited for making permanent magnets which have______retentivity and _______coercivity.
(a) low, high
(b) high, high
(c) high, low
(d) low, low
Ans: b

17. If the area of hysteresis loop of a material is large, the hysteresis loss in this material will be
(a) zero
(b) small
(c) large
(d) none of the above
Ans: c

18. Hard steel is suitable for making permanent magnets because
(a) it has good residual magnetism
(b) its hysteresis loop has large area
(c) its mechanical strength is high
(d) its mechanical strength is low
Ans: a

19. Silicon steel is used in electrical machines because it has
(a)     low co-ercivity
(b)     low retentivity
(c) low hysteresis loss
(d) high co-ercivity
Ans: c

20. Conductance is analogous to
(a) permeance
(b) reluctance
(c) flux
(d) inductance
Ans: a

21. The property of a material which opposes the creation of magnetic flux in it is known as
(a) reluctivity
(b) magnetomotive force
(c) permeance
(d)     reluctance
Ans: d

22. The unit of retentivity is
(a)     weber
(b)     weber/sq. m
(c) ampere turn/metre
(d) ampere turn
Ans: b

23. Reciprocal of reluctance is
(a) reluctivity
(b) permeance
(c) permeability    
(d) susceptibility
Ans: b
Admin ;- Bellapuri saikumar
                   ( Sai Saikumar Jn)

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