Saturday 30 May 2015

BEST COVERSATION must read ( sai saikumar jn)

                                                               BEST COVERSATION

Girl : Hiiiiii
Boy : Hi

Girl : what happened?
Boy : nothing.
Girl : no say na what happened.. u look soo sad

Boy : I'll ask u something.. nd u have to tel me the truth..will u?
Girl : ok ask

Boy : who is Rajesh loafer?.. He liked all your profile pictures and even your status updates on FB. who is the dumb idiot?
Girl : Pls dont say anything about him...

Boy: Is he ur ex bf? r u still in love with him..?
Girl : why would i love him.. u are my only love...

Boy : Then is he ur brother?
Girl : No no...not like that...

Boy : Then who the hell is he?
Girl : shall we talk something else

Boy : So u r hiding something frm me? u have that much close relationship with him...he s so much important to u ryt?
Girl : If i disclose the secret u will definitely scold me...

Boy : I m getting irritated now.. dont test my patience..
Girl : Pls ya...

Boy : if u dont tell me i will break our relationship ryt now...
Girl : i will tell u... bt promise tht u won't scold me ok??

Boy : oh ok...
Girl : Hmmm...
That is my fake profile... if no one likes my dp i like my pic through that login id and also post comments like cute,nice,hot,etc!!!!

Boy : Speechless

Dont Forget To Share...................

                                                                                          -- Bellapuri saikumar
                                                                                                         ( sai saikumar jn)

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