Saturday 30 May 2015

DID YOU KNOW - LIFE FACTS. --- 2 (sai saikumar jn)

                                        DID YOU KNOW - LIFE FACTS.

1. Don't push someone away and expect them to still be there when you're ready.

2. It's so easy for people to believe the worst about you but it's so hard for people to believe the good about you.

3. When you have someone special in your life, don't ruin it by making stupid decisions.

4. Love is like two people pulling a rubber band. If one lets it go, it hurts so much for who held on.

5. A real relationship is all about appreciating the similarities, and respecting the differences.

6. Karma has no menu. You get served exactly what you deserve.

7. Things will eventually work out. Keep your head up.

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                                                                                      -- Bellapuri saikumar
                                                                                                   ( sai saikumar jn)

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